Cheap Overseas Calls from your UK Mobile

Do you want to call America for only 1p per minute? How about Ireland? Australia? Canada? or China? Believe it or not you can call all of these countries for only 1p per minute from your mobile phone or land line. How? By using the virtual card service from Selfless Mind Calls

You simply send a text to purchase your card, either a £3 or £5 card and then use your inclusive minutes to call an access number, which is a standard UK land line. The best thing is you’re not restricted to using your mobile phone either, the virtual card comes with a PIN which allows you to use ANY phone.

What’s more with the superb 1st time users offer of FREE credit you have nothing to lose and lot’s to gain. Actually that’s over three and a half hours extra talk time on a £3 card and a whopping five hours on a £5 card!

So, head on over to Selfless Mind Calls and start saving money on all your international calls and don’t worry if you are not in the UK, they also have a wide variety of International Phone Cards.

About Mr Omneo

Mr Omneo lives and works in London. This site is primarily for reviews and views of products and services that he deems worthy of discussing. Visit his personal site if you're seeking his personal blog where he posts more wide ranging topics such as music, politics and the thoughts in his head.