Now, I have to be honest and say that when the good people at Bzzagent asked us to try out Sure’s new anti-perspirant I was highly sceptical as to whether I would use it for more than a few days, not because I doubted their claim that it provides 48 hour protection (I’m never going to go 48 hours without showering) but the product contains aluminium which I’ve found in the past to be a contributing factor to those horrid white and yellow stains on shirts but if you don’t try something how will you ever know if the claims are true, right?
So just what are those claims? Well, according to the package, Sure Maximum Protection provides up to twice the protection against sweat of the best selling anti-perspirant and uses an advanced formula with innovative TRIsolid™ body responsive technology that provides:
- Scientifically proven wetness protection
- Body responsive encapsulated technology
- Highly effective skin moisturising ingredient
That all sounds great but what is it really like? Armed with our TRIsolid cream version we put it to the test and rather surprisingly found ourselves giving it a thumbs up!
The first thing you’ll discover is you’re advised to apply it in the evening before you go to bed, this is seemingly to give the product time to work with your body and build up a protective later that will remain even after a shower. We thought this a bit unlikely but we put it to the test and found that even after a shower in the morning, the fresh scent was still quite strong, in fact even at the end of a day that includes jostling on packed underground trains and a visit to the gym, the scent was still there, not overpowering but enough to remind you it was working.
True to it’s word, there’s been no perspiring, which we have to admit took some getting used to, my regular aluminium free product is good at keeping body odour under control but by the end of the day the anti-perspirant qualities have faded so finding a product that actually keeps you dry and fresh smelling is quite something, there is also an Extreme version for those who perspire that little bit more than others.
The one downside for some people might be the price, it retails for around £5 which when compared to a lot of other products might appear quite high however when you consider it is very effective there’s a good chance you’ll find it a price worth paying, as ever, be sure to shop around online as some retailers are cheaper than others.
You can buy Sure Men Maximum Protection from Tesco, Boots, Superdrug, [simpleazon-link asin=”B003WUUAZA” locale=”uk”]Amazon[/simpleazon-link] and Ocado